Simon File 11th September 2022

Stewart was my first best friend. We were inseparable and shared a love of art, rough and tumble, exploring the local woods. I remember amazing our infant class with our joint blackboard drawings which always featured two galleons side by side exchanging massive broadsides. He would do one, and I the other. We would then commence a live drawing battle one turn at time showing the gradual destruction of each other's ship. As we grew older this mushroomed into a love of wargaming. Stewart ended up joining the local wargames club where he discovered Dungeons and Dragons. He ended up raving (which he was inclined to do!) about this game and begged me to join in. I relented and it really had a huge impact on my life. I met so many people through the club. Stewart was an intense person in every way. Very physical, academic but above all creative. Such a rich life. The world is a poorer place without him.